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Authentication & Provenance

Direct Acknowledgment from the Artist

The artwork's legitimacy is supported by a direct acknowledgment from the artist. Screenshots (see below) from Banksy’s official Instagram account dated August 13, 2021 and official website, showcase The Seagull as part of the artist's well-documented "Great British Spraycation" series.

The Role of Digital Verification

In today's digital age, social media plays a pivotal role in the art world, often serving as a platform for artists to claim their work. Banksy's Instagram and website are an implicit form of authentication, aligning The Seagull with the artist's recognized body of work.


Unbroken Lineage

The Seagull boasts a pristine provenance, having remained under the custodianship of the original owners of the property where it was created. This uninterrupted guardianship is a rarity in the art world and speaks volumes of the piece's authenticity and the care it has received.

A Story Intact

The story of The Seagull is as clear and straightforward as its custodianship—a narrative that starts with Banksy and continues with you. Its journey is untainted by the complexities of passing through galleries or auctions, making it a unique and direct piece of Banksy's artistic legacy.

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